Technology Support Documents

Technology Support Documents
Remote Learning Information

If you need technology support for your student's device please bring your device to Mr. Whitby in the library for service or replacement as needed.

My Charger is Lost or Broken -If a charger is broken, students can exchange their broken charger for a working one with Mr. Whitby at no charge. 

If a student has lost their charger then they currently have three options available (see below). 

1. A replacement charger can be issued by Mr. Whitby.  There is a $30 fine that will be assessed for any charger that is lost.
  1. If students have a Nintendo Switch at home (or any device that has a USB-C Charger like a cell phone or other electronic), they can use that to charge their device as a temporary solution.
  1. Ask a friend to let them use their charger during class to charge their device.  


Affordable Home Internet Service - Verizon offers a program for low-income families called Internet Essentials to help families gain access to low-cost reliable Internet Service.  If you are eligible for free and reduced lunches or any other public assistance you may qualify.  

Chromebook - Connecting to Home WiFi Instructions

Chromebook Troubleshooting Camera and Microphone Issues Handout - Instructions are provided for troubleshooting the most common microphone and camera issues on student Chromebooks.
Kurzweil Read The Web - Instructions on how to activate Kurzweil in Google Chrome are provided.  Kurzweil will read text from the web out loud.